Craft AI allows businesses to develop efficient, reliable, and secure AI agents in record time. A pioneer in trusted AI, Craft AI is specialized in industrialization at the scale of AI and supports many companies.
Put efficient agents into production in a few clicks
Reduce your cloud costs
Optimized, frugal infrastructures to reduce cloud costs by up to 70%
Security and Sovereignty
Hosting available on majorsovereign clouds (Scaleway, S3NS, NumSpot)
Compatible with all language models and libraries to stay constantly up to date
Reliability of results
Keep your agents under control with advanced monitoring and reliability assessment
Trustworthy AI
Develop AI that is explainable, eco-friendly and respectful of privacy
Compatible with 100% of technologies
Revolutionize your products with AI
The platform is complete, simple, totally secure and allows our data scientists to deploy their code in production with complete autonomy thanks to its model management tool.
Yannick Dubucq
Cloud Deployment Leader - Orange
The platform allowed us to industrialize a major project for Omnes Education in record time: the creation of a virtual tutor to supervise students. We were particularly impressed by the scalability and robustness of the product.
David Lechermeier
Lead Transformation Officer - OMNES Education
We particularly liked the flexibility of the platform, the ability to go into production without having to refactor the code, and the quality of the user experience.
Jonathan Baptista
Head of Data Science - Addix Group
Craft AI offers the clearest AI solution for education, adapted to our needs, and is already a real technological success.
Mouhoud El Mouhoub
President - Paris Dauphine University
Trusted AI at the service of students, explainable and equitable, a complement to teachers is the beautiful promise of Craft AI.
Anne-Charlotte Moneret
Managing Director - EDTech France
The application developed with the Craft AI platform allowed us to improve the productivity of our biologists by 30% by automatically detecting failed manipulations. The platform is perfectly suited for computer vision applications.
Yacine Cherifi
VP Technology - Genoway
The platform allowed us to deploy a consumer assistant in 250k homes. The models have been re-trained every day and the application has been perfectly stable and effective. This allowed us to reduce household consumption by 5%.
Eurydice Lafferayrie
CDO - Total Direct Energie
They trust us
Trusted, ethical and responsible AI
Data security
Take advantage of our synthetic data generator to obtain “fake data” statistically similar to source data
Reliable, controlled results
Implement trusted AI by monitoring model performance, potential response toxicity, drift and bias
Hosting sovereignty
Choose the hosting provider of your choice from our list of sovereign clouds with HDS, SecNumCloud (Scaleway, S3NS, NumSpot) certifications
Energy efficiency
Control your models and infrastructures to reduce CPU & GPU consumption and optimize your cloud costs