Generative AI: Craft AI raises €5.5 million

Paris, July 18, 2023 - Craft AI receives funding of 5.5 million euros to accelerate the development of its generative AI specialized in the creation of data sets. This financing, which is in addition to the 9 million already raised, consists of 1.5 million euros from Bpifrance's i-Démo call for projects as well as 4 million euros provided by the investment holding Talis.



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This generative AI makes it possible to create new artificial data sets (“synthetic data”) from real data, while maintaining statistical similarity. The adoption of these techniques is on the rise in many artificial intelligence applications such as autonomous cars or language processing.

The use of synthetic data will increase massively in the coming years because:

  • they make it possible to avoid the identification of real persons in the data sets and to guarantee the confidentiality of the data more generally,
  • they reduce the amount of energy required for artificial intelligence processing and the cost of data acquisition,
  • they increase the quantity of data sets that can be used by everyone and make it possible to improve the performance of models,
  • they make it possible to generate data sets that are free of all societal biases.

Upon awarding the funding, Chahram Becharat, President of Craft AI, said:”While financing conditions have particularly tightened in recent months, this fundraiser rewards our technological excellence and testifies to the strategic interest of developing generative AI technologies in France and Europe. We are determined to build a leading player in the artificial intelligence sector, by promoting another vision of AI: that of a trusted tool at the service of humans.

About Craft AI

A French startup that is a pioneer in trusted AI, Craft AI is specialized in the industrialization of artificial intelligence projects. For 8 years, Craft AI has developed unique technological expertise in the operationalization of Machine & Deep Learning models. In particular, the company allows its customers to develop, specialize and operate their own generative AIs. Finally, it offers a responsible vision of AI, that is to say energy-efficient, explainable and respectful of privacy.

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